Python leap year..

Charles Butler Jr
3 min readJul 30, 2021


Continuing my python HackerRank challenges we’re met with a new prompt. Given a year (test input & custom input), our function is to return whether it is a leap year or not due to custom constraints/ if statements within the block of code. The return value will be a boolean (True / False) depending on the constraints to be mentioned.

Here we see a list of constraints for what defines a leap year:

  • Can be divisible by 4
  • Unless it can be evenly divided by 100 (which mean’s it is not)
  • & Unless it can be divided by 400 (which would make it a leap year)

My first attempt gave me 5/6 test cases passing, but utilized simple logic. I had the ‘if statement’ coinditioned for the first constraint showing that the number is / is not divisible by 4 otherwise show false.

Next I added the other logic how I best thought it fit. Unfortunately this is where things became tricky.

This is best explained as an if statement within an if statement. Where the divisible by 100 & elif divisible by 400 statements are within the orignal logic of divisibility by 4. Unfortunatley my logic was flawed and I failed 2/6 test cases.

Refactoring my code a few more times led to the same result, until i realized that the answer was buried in the way the problem was written. It flowed as if the conditions were all one line.

I could sum it up like this:

‘if year is divisible by 4 AND (x is true OR y is true)”

which brought me to a single line of code in my functions block:

Here you can see that the main condiditonal (like my previous parent if statement) has children conditionals/ where divisible by 400 or divisible by 100 stand out as or statements. From here Clicking submit had all tests passing.



Charles Butler Jr
Charles Butler Jr

Written by Charles Butler Jr

Pre-Med student turned software engineer. Hoping to make code make sense & make sense out of all my code.